Core Modules:

NT201: Introduction to New Testament: This course is an introductory course to the New Testament. The student will study the historical background of the New Testament era, in the arena of politics, religious and social life of the New Testament people. Many of the customs found in the Gospel accounts will be explained. This study will enable the student to appreciate the text of the Gospel. (2 credits)

NT202: Jesus and the Gospel: This course is a study on the life and ministry of Christ as recorded in the Gospel accounts. This study will include a survey of the Gospel accounts, emphasizing on their authorship, composition and distinctive; with a brief treatment on the issue of the Synoptic Gospels. The student will also study the harmony of the Gospels with synopses on the chronology of the life of Christ, His works and His teachings. (2 credits)

NT203 Paul and His Writings: This course is a study on the Acts of the Apostles, particularly in the ministry of the apostle Paul. This study includes a survey on each of the Pauline epistles from Romans to Philemon, covering the background of each epistle and the theological values in Paul’s writings. (2 credits)

NT204: The General Epistles and Apocalypse: This course is a study on the general epistles and New Testament prophecy. This study includes a survey on each of the general epistles from Hebrews to Revelation, covering the background of each epistle and the theological values in them. The eschatology of the prophecy in regard to the second coming of Christ will be briefly examined. (2 credits)

NT206-207: Basic Biblical Greek I & II: This is a two-part course of the study on the basics of biblical Greek. This study will enable the student to understand the nuances and structure of Greek Grammar in the New Testament. The primary focus is to help the student appreciate the original language of the New Testament and to understand the Greek text better. A modern approach to learning biblical Greek will be adopted. Only those who have completed Basic Biblical Greek I can take the second part of the course. (3 credits each)

NT208-209: Analytical Biblical Greek I & II: This two-part course is the advance study of biblical Greek. Students will learn about Greek syntax to enable them to analyse the relationship of a word to the whole of the sentence and context such that they will be able to exegete the meaning out of the text. Various exegetical tools such as diagramming, word study and the analytical skills to understand the original language of the New Testament will be taught. With this course, students will be able to develop the text into a homiletical sermon. Requirement: Basic Biblical Greek I & II. (2 credits each)

Elective Modules:

NT211: The Book of Romans: This course is a verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans highlighting the righteousness of God in salvation by faith through Christ in contrast to the Jewish idea of salvation by self-righteousness through the Law. The doctrine of grace is one of the main focuses of this study in conjunction with God’s sovereignty in salvation, particularly in regard to God’s plan of salvation concerning Israel. This study will help the student to have a deeper understanding of covenant theology. (2 credits)

NT212: The First Epistle to the Corinthians: This course is a verse-by-verse study of Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, examining the various problems – factionalism, sexuality and marriage, communion, charismatic gifts, etc. The student will learn how Paul dealt with these issues, and how Paul’s answers may be applicable to the church today. (2 credits)

NT213: The Second Epistle to the Corinthians: Second Corinthians is one of Paul’s most autobiographical letters in which he bares his soul with regard to his ministry. In this epistle, Paul deals with the often recalcitrant congregation in Corinth. Through Paul’s honest revelation about his emotional and physical pain, the student will learn about the struggles of and the necessity of perseverance in Christian ministry. (2 credits)

NT214: Scriptural Insights from the Pastoral Epistles: This course is a basic introduction to First and Second Timothy and Titus, commonly referred to as The Pastoral Epistles. It identifies the crucial and practical church-based concerns from church governance to the qualification of church officers, the purpose, priorities, problems and perils of the pastoral ministry from Paul’s inspired letters to Timothy and Titus. Students will be guided through a detailed expository analysis of these 3 pastoral letters and practical insights into the current issues and ministries of the local church will be discussed and addressed. Students (including lay people) are encouraged to study them diligently and apply the biblical theology of the 3 books into the life of the church and their respective ministries. (2 credits)

NT215: The Epistle to the Hebrews: This course is a careful study on the Epistle to the Hebrews, centring on the person and work of Jesus Christ, the believer’s great High Priest. This study will reveal the finality of the Gospel with the assertion on the supremacy of Christ as Prophet, Priest and Mediator of the New Covenant. Special attention in this course will be dedicated to the study of the doctrine of Christ and the New Covenant, and the warnings and exhortations to live a life of faith in God. (2 credits)

NT216: The Epistles of Peter: Triumph & Truth: The epistles of Peter reflect the character and the experiences of the author. First Peter is an epistle describing the triumphant Christian in the midst of suffering. Second Peter is an epistle defending the truth of the Christian Gospel in the face of false teachings. This course will bring the students through both epistles, highlighting the reality that believers face in a world, one that is both hostile to and yet in desperate need of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 credits)

NT217: The Book of Revelation: This course is designed as a detailed study of the Book of Revelation. Students will be taking a deeper look into the eschatological complex of the End Times and the finality of God's redemption plan. The signs and symbols in this book will be studied by comparing them with those found in the other books of the Bible, and extrapolating them into contemporary and future settings. Attempts will be made to construct the chronology of the timeline of the prophecy of Daniel’s 70th week leading to the Return of Christ. This course also includes a study on the Rapture of the Saints. (2 credits)

NT221: Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians: The Book of Galatians is a clarion call for freedom from the Mosaic Law. In this course, the student will learn the historical and cultural settings of this epistle, its various hermeneutical, theological and social issues, as well as the letter’s contemporary relevance of Paul’s letter, in particular, the defence of the gospel of God’s grace. (1 credit)

NT222: Paul’s Epistles to the Ephesians & Colossians: This course is a detailed study of Paul’s epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians. The student will learn the cultural and historical contexts, authorship and literary characteristics of these two letters, and also gaining an understanding of the significance and applying the lessons for the twenty-first century church. (2 credits)

NT225: The Intertestamental Period: Some understanding of both the Old Testament and the Intertestamental Period is necessary in any Christian’s study and understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. This course will cover the history of the Persian Period and the Hellenistic Period between the last writings of the Old Testament and the birth of Jesus Christ, commonly referred to as the ‘400 silent years’. This study will also show the biblical transition between the Old and the New Testament. (2 credits)


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